Thursday, March 27, 2008

Halle They Plottin' on Ya Man!

Attention! Halle Berry! These hoes are plottin on ya man! They know they are mad foul and wrongashell to be eyeballin'YOUR man when they know goodandwell y'all just had a baby two weeks ago. Halle you need to keep a better eye on your man. Never underestimate the power of these rich white hoes (I see you Martha Stewart)! You see how Britney did Shar right? And look what happened there -- this white boy done had two more babies and then expect Shar to take him back!Anyways Halle, your man is FINE! I see you wit ya fine ass white man, just WATCH OUT because you know these hoes is jealous of you for being the most beautiful woman on earth. Yeah so tell Gabriel keep his lil visits to Macy's to a minimum because they are out there girl and they (YES MARIAH, I SEE YOU) are HUNTING YOUR BABYSDADDY like there is no tomorrow! Watch ya back!

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